Thursday, December 13, 2012


Today in Grade 6...
-many choir students performed for the CTV recording will be played on Christmas Eve!
-day 3 of curling...we actually threw the rocks down the ice today!
-we had a Boston Pizza special lunch!
-we played fun improv games with Mrs. Hinz!

Monday, December 10, 2012


This morning we viewed this short film and pulled out important ideas for our "quotes of the week".  Can you find an inspiring quote from this film?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Follow this invitation to join our class on Quizlet!  There a number of practice sets available to help you study for your Math test.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Will the Real Potato Please Stand Up?

We found this at the back of the classroom yesterday and it made Mrs. McCrea and I laugh! Thanks for making us smile, anonymous potato artist!!

Fun with Curling!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chrome Apps

Follow this link to add fantastic learning apps to your Chrome browser!  I am so excited about the new opportunities these apps will open up for learning in our classroom. Yahoo!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Science Update!

Here are a few things that we have accomplished and things that are in the future for grade 6 science:

For our "Living Things" unit there have been many classroom assignments up to today.  They have completed research for invertebrates and vertebrates.

On Thursday November 22nd there will be a quiz on all we have learned for this unit.  The students have received a unit review.  Here is a link to the review as well: . This review is everything the students should know for this unit.  If they complete and study this review they should be ready for the quiz.  We will have time in class Friday November 16 and Monday November 19th to work on the review.

The majority of their mark for the "Living Things" unit will be on an Inquiry/Research project that the students are working on.  They have just started this project.  It will take the students a couple of weeks to research and create a presentation on two living things of their choice. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Special Visitors!

Today, Mrs. McCrea's Mom and Dad, Mrs. and Mr. Krogsgaard, came to visit our classroom and share their experiences living in Africa.  It was a special morning and students were challenged to think about "fairness" in new ways. If you want to check out more on Zambia Mission Fund Canada, here is the link.

Check out our "kwacha"!


Hi, everyone! I'm excited to introduce you to Mathletics- an interactive website that allows students to practice their Math skills.  Each student has been given a username and password so that they can log-in and get started.  Also, next week there is a competition called the Maple Leaf Challenge- on Tuesday and Wednesday students can sign-in and compete against students all over the country.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Fare Thee Well

The Grade 6 students did a fantastic job of performing their interpretive dance to the song Fare Thee Well.  I have uploaded the video and you can view it by going here.  It will ask you to type in a password.  The password is "smarties".  Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Remembrance Day Service

Hi, everyone!  Tomorrow, beginning at 11am, is our Remembrance Day service.  It will be a special morning and parents are especially welcome to join.  The Grade 6 classes will be performing a dance to the song, "Fare Thee Well".  I previewed it yesterday and it is wonderful.  I will also record it and attempt to post it.  Students are to wear dark pants with either a black, red or white shirt.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Quote of the Week!

This week for our classroom "quote of the week" we watched a clip from The Pursuit Of Happyness and the students had to create their own quotes for the short clip.

Grade six classroom quotes:

"Never let anyone get you down, just follow your dreams"
- Matthew

"Don't let your dreams crah down on you just because someone says you can't do it, pursue your dreams and take action."
- Emily

"Don't give up on yourself, even when everyone says you can't do something.  When you give up on yourself, you have already lost."
- Kyle

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Today in Science we were deep into researching. This research is building them up and introducing them to finding data and facts online and from books. Eventually the students will pick a living thing to research and they will decide what they want to know about that living thing. They will organize their research into a presentation.
Today they were researching the five different groups of Vertebrates!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Classroom Update From Mrs. McCrea

I have started into my first couple days of my three week teaching block.  I am very excited to see what the students can learn but also bring to our classroom and share their own knowledge and experiences with the classroom.  Here is an update on where we are within the subjects I will be teaching:

In English, we have started a new unit on Fairness. Students will be reading and viewing images, books, videos and biographies surrounding the theme of fairness.  Through this unit students will learn how to organize paragraphs and eventually organize and write their own biographies.  The end goal is that the students will be able to write a biography on someone who has fought for fairness.

In Math, we started a new unit that is called Understanding Numbers. This unit focuses on place value with large numbers (up to the millions), solving word problems, multiples, prime and composite numbers, factors, order of operations, and integers.

In Science, we are learning about Living Things.  Soon we will be starting an inquiry project in which the students will be choosing a living thing that they want to learn about. They will decide what information they want to learn through developing questions about that living thing and organizing how they are going to present their information.  We are practicing how to create good questions and our researching skills in the classroom.

In Health, we have discussed and defined values and personal standards.  Students have recently completed an assignment that challenged them to determine and uncover their values and then set their own personal standards for each of the 5 dimensions of the wellness (physical, psychosocial, social, spiritual and environmental).  We have also discussed that in our lives people face situations that will either challenge or reinforce our personal standards.  The students will create a skit of a situation that will challenge and then reinforce their personal standards.  In the situation that will challenge their personal standards, they have to resolve the challenge in a healthy way through the skit.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Word Work

Here are the 12 class words to study for Monday:

controlling                  excellent                    dependence
residence                   preference                 equipped
preferred                    kidnapped                 appearing
equipment                  excel                          rebellion

Rainbows for Maranda

This afternoon some students spent time creating "Rainbows for Maranda".  Maranda is a 10-year-old girl in Regina who is suffering from an undiagnosed illness.  She happens to love rainbows!  So, joining in with thousands who have already sent rainbows with hopes of brightening Maranda's day, we painted and colored rainbows!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


You can follow this link to practice for your Breadwinner test!  Or, follow the invitation I sent to your iGo account so that you can join our class site on Quizlet.  I love this new tool for studying and reviewing!


Here is the link to Tagxedo.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Malala Yousafzai

In connection to our study of the novel, The Breadwinner, today we discussed the recent attack on 14-year-old activist Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan.  Here is a message and link from Amnesty International:

"The bravest Pakistani schoolgirl of them all!

You can send a special message of support to Malala here:

Today, on the first ever International Day of the Girl, we want to highlight Malala Yousafzai, also known as “the girl on the schoolbus”. She was brutally targeted by the Tehreek-e-Taliban as she had spoken out for the right for girls to receive an education. 

As she was on her way to school, a gunman opened fire on her bus, deliberately targeting Malala. In spite of being shot in the head, she survived the attack. 

As the world now watches the slow progress of a young girl who was brave enough to refuse to bow to the sinister threats of the Taliban, hundreds of thousands of schoolgirls in Pakistan watch in thrall as their future and their desires to go to school stand in the balance. Malala’s words can give them strength:

“I have rights. I have the right of education. I have the right to play. I have the right to sing. I have the right to talk. I have the right to go to market. I have the right to speak up.”

What an inspiration."

Inspiring Invertebrates Assignment

  • Using online resources and books to help you complete the chart for the assignment:
    "Inspiring Invertebrates". The four groups of invertebrates are sponges, molluscs, worms, and arthropods.  For each group, state characteristics, then choose one living thing and dig in with some questions about that invertebrate.  Before you start your research, ask one questions about that invertebrate.  As you complete your research, try to answer the question, and add two new facts you discover along the way.
  • "Inspiring Invertebrates" Assignment
  • Resources:
    • Molluscs:

Don't Give Up

Our Monday morning routine in Grade always involves sharing highlights of our weekends, and then discussing a selected "Quote of the Week".  Today was a little different because rather than discussing someone else's quote, we wrote our own.  To inspire our quotes, we watched a clip from the movie "Facing the Giants".  The clip is above, and here is a blog posting, "Don't Quit" on the clip that I think is worth reading- a little inspiration for the start of your week!  The blog author is my older brother, Steve McMillan.

Here are three sample quotes that students wrote after viewing the clip:

“Always put forth your best effort until you have nothing left.  Never give up.”  

“When things get hard, you get stronger to learn.”
                - Emily 

“You never know what you can do until you push yourself beyond your limits.”

Friday, October 12, 2012


Some bonus reading buddy time while the Band crew is away! 
Way to go, Grade 6!  We reached our goal for the Food Drive and, as a result,
Mrs. McCrea treated everyone to some amazing cupcakes!
The final result: happy students!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Great Tree Investigation

Exploring the diversity of plant life....sneak peek into today's Science lesson:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Update Time!

Hello, everyone!  I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with family and friends! A couple things to note:

  • Math: We are correcting the Review assignment today, tomorrow we will play a review game to practice, and Friday we will write the Unit 1 Test.  Today we are also spending time specifically reviewing Lesson 8.  
  • Reading: We are closing in on the end of our novel study on the The Breadwinner.  Our booklets should be completed by Wednesday, October 17, and we will have a test next Friday, Wednesday 19.
  • Next week, Mrs.McCrea will begin teaching Unit 2 in Math.  The following week, beginning Oct. 22, she will begin teaching her three-week block, which means she will be handling the full load of classroom responsibilities.  You may contact Mrs. McCrea by phone at the school, or email:
  • One of the highlights of our Grade 6 Phys. Ed. program is curling lessons!  We will be going to the Tartan for our curling lessons on the following dates: Nov. 29, Dec. 11, Dec. 13, and Dec. 18, from 9:30-10:30am.  Parents are more than welcome to join us for any of the above dates, but especially on Dec. 18.  This final lesson is a "game day" and we could use extra hands to help out on the ice.
That's all for now!  Have a great day!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Gratitude Experiment

With Thanksgiving approaching, we have been discussing the importance of gratitude in our everyday life.  Our quote of the week was: 

"It is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy".

We have also considered that  often a grumbling or complaining spirit gets in the way of being a thankful person.  We decided to try out a simple little experiment in gratitude this week.  Students were given elastic bands to wear as bracelets. Each time they audibly complained, they were to switch the band to the opposite wrist- the intent being to raise  awareness about our grumbling habits!  So....onto the homework assignment!

I am curious to hear reflections on your 48 hour (or more!!) bracelet experiment.   Here are some questions to guide you along the way:

  • Was it easy or difficult to keep your bracelet on one arm? Why?
  • What did you find yourself complaining about most often? 
  • Did anything surprise you about this experience?
  • What did you learn about your attitude?  Reflect!

Your response should be a minimum of 3-5 sentences long.  Just click on "comments" below to get started!  Don't forget to include your name at the end of your response.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mr. MacKenzie's 85th Birthday Party!

We had such a fun celebration for Mr. MacKenzie's 85th Birthday today!  We had many special people at the school for the party- parents, students, former principals and directors and other friends of Mr. MacKenzie!  A big shout-out to our very own Mrs. Turta, Mrs. Leflar and Mrs. Markusson who were busy bees in the pancake making and flipping business...thank you for your help!

Here is the video/game, "The True, Or Not So True Story of Mr. MacKenzie" that was shared at the assembly! I think we all learned some new things about Mr. MacKenzie (I sure did!).

Monday, September 24, 2012

Flying Creek Comic Strip Assignment

  • Using the Flying Creek photos, create a comic strip (using Comic Life) that represents the diversity of life you observed at Flying Creek.  Your goal is to use the comic strip to demonstrate what you learned during the day, including at least one living thing for each ecosystem and six or more living things overall.  Make sure that you include the appropriate titles for each ecosystem (grasslands, woodlands, riparian, aquatic).  To show deep understanding, also include the categories for organisms (producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, scavengers/decomposers).

Must Haves: 
  • There is a title.
  • There are captions for each photo describing the learning.
  • Each ecosystem is represented in the comic strip, and there are at least 6 living things shown overall.

  • The writing on the comic strip is free of spelling and grammatical errors.  It is well-written and shows proof of editing.
  • The layout of the comic strip is a creative, well-thought out design.
  • The comic strip shows deep understanding of the diversity of life in ecosystems at Flying Creek.

You can find photos to use for your comic strip here.

Friday, September 21, 2012

My Photo of the Week...

(What caption might you give this photo?)
This is "My Photo of the Week" because I think it speaks very well about the character of this group of students.  Here's a little homework assignment for you: come up with a caption for this photo and leave a comment on this post.  What might you title this photo?

Flying Creek Adventures

What an awesome day we enjoyed at Flying Creek! Perfect weather, beautiful scenery, great memories, fantastic learning!  Sounds like a good recipe for a successful field trip!  Big thanks to Mrs. Shoobert and Mr. Markusson for joining in our special day.  Click on the image to enlarge.

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Monday Update!

Hello, everyone!  Here’s a quick update for our week:

  • Field Trip- We are going to Flying Creek tomorrow! It looks like it will be a beautiful fall day!  Please remember to send a solid lunch, snacks and lots of water with your child.  Please ensure that they have long pants, a sweater or jacket for the morning, and good runners or hikers.  Looking forward to a great day- and thanks in advance to Mrs. Shoobert and Mr. Markusson who are joining us tomorrow! J Pictures to follow...
  • Math- We are about halfway through Unit 1.  I have attached the Extra Practice sheets for Unit 1 to this email, for optional practice at home. 
  • Reading- We are also halfway through our novel, The Breadwinner!  The plot is thickening…
  • Reading/Writing- By the end of this week, we will have “launched” the first three elements of the “Daily 5”- “Read to Self”, “Read to Someone”, and “Work on Writing”.  Students are working hard to build independence and stamina in each of these three areas.
  • Art- Students are working on a personal collage assignment with Mrs. McCrea.  They are welcome to bring old magazines or personal photos that would help represent their identity.
  •  School Photos- Wednesday!
  • Gym Blast- Friday.  This is a fun-filled, team-building activity for students in Gr. 6-8.  Students have been broken up into four color groups and they are encouraged to dress in their team colors on Friday for the big event!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Meeting Our Buddies...

On Monday, we met our new Reading Buddies for the first time!  We enjoyed a beautiful walk around the lake together.  I was so impressed with the students' willingness to lead their buddies in great "get to know you" conversations!  We have a class of well-mannered, friendly students!!  We meet with our Grade 3 Buddies from Ms. Dale's class every Day 5.  It is a great chance for students to develop positive mentorship skills and new friendships with younger students in our school!

Flying Creek Field Trip: Coming Up!

Today Mr. Conway, our field trip guide (and Miss M's Grade 6 teacher!), came to help us prepare for our field trip to Flying Creek.  Students will bring home a letter and waiver form today.  Thanks, parents, for returning these waivers along with $4.50 for the bus, as well as $3 for our three upcoming swimming dates ($1/per swim).

If you are interested in joining us for the day, we would be thrilled to have you along for the adventure!  Just send an email or note in your child's agenda to let me know if you are interested and available.

Looking forward to seeing many of you tomorrow!

Shalwar Kameez Fashion Show...

Last week we had a mini-fashion show, inspired by The Breadwinner!  Here are three of us in our "shalwar kameez" outfits!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The First Week...

We are off to a great start in Room 301!  Both Mrs. McCrea and I have been impressed with the students' effort and enthusiasm- I think we are going to have an awesome year!

We have our noses deep in a great book called "The Breadwinner", by Deborah Ellis.  It is a story set in Afghanistan during the rule of the Taliban.  Today many students had their first taste of "naan" bread...I think it was a hit!  Many were asking for recipes, but I must confess that you can find this lovely naan just down Prince of Wales. :)  I will post pictures just as soon as I receive the Media Release forms, which are going home today!

In Math, we have started our study of Patterns and Equations.  Once I have received the majority of parents' email addresses, I will send out some Extra Practice Sheets, which complement our work in class, lesson by lesson.  These are just for added, optional support.  We are also spending daily time reviewing our multiplication facts.  Some students would benefit from extra practice at home, and one way to do this is by checking out Miss M's Links on the sidebar.  There a number of sites that will help your son or daughter practice their basic math skills online.

Please also check the sidebar for upcoming dates and homework reminders.  Have an excellent Thursday!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome back Grade 6!

Welcome back grade 6!  My name is Mrs. McCrea and I will be interning with Miss. McMillan this fall until the end of December.  Hope your summer holidays were great!  I am excited to be able to join Miss. McMillan's classroom and excited to meet all of you! 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome Back!

A new school year is quickly approaching!  We are excited to welcome you to a fresh year of learning adventures in Grade 6!  The Chalkboard is your new home online, where you will find weekly updates, photos, assignments and plenty of links to help you out with research and homework.  Bookmark this page on your browser and check back often.  See you soon!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Field Trip: Canceled

Good morning!  I just spoke with our Outdoor Ed. leader for the trip, and we have canceled the field trip as it is too wet and rain is expected throughout most of the day. :(  See you at school!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Our Day in Photos

Today was a great day for fun learning experiences!  Here are some photos to tell the tale... 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Poetry Prezi

Here is the link for the poetry prezi.  We will have a quiz on the devices on Friday, and you can use it to help you remember the devices as you complete your project.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

VoiceThread by Amal and Erika

Here is a great sample of a VoiceThread created by Amal and Erika for their racism project.  Students are currently working on a 15-image timeline of the history of flight, and they will also be using this technology to share poetry!

Metaphorical Fun!

I thought you might enjoy some of the similes and metaphors students came up with yesterday:

-Family is like glue; they always stick together.
-Life is a song.
-My brother is as annoying as a mosquito.
-I'll be quiet as a zucchini!
-Family is a snowflake; they're one of a kind.
-Friends are like onions.  Sometimes you just have to peel them back a layer at a time.
-Life is like a rose.  If cared for, it can blossom into something beautiful.
-Dance is a prayer.
-Life is a game- you don't know what's happening on your next turn.
-Friends are robbers: they'll hurt you, steal from you, and maybe scare you, but you'll still remember them.
-Friends are like the sisters we actually like.
-Photography is poetry via images.

Not bad for day one, hey?! Great job, Grade 6!

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Rainy Day Update!

Hi, everyone!  Just another friendly update from Grade 6…J

  • Math- We are working on graphing and data analysis.  Lesson 4 is due tomorrow.
  • Science- We are working on the forces of flight, as well as the history of Canadian flight.  Students need to finish their Voice Thread assignment (15 events in total) by Thursday.
  • Social- The Perspective Story (p. 169, #1), or the Cartoon (p. 169, #2) is due Thursday.  The other is due on Monday, June 4.
  • Health- Chapter Review is due Wednesday, and there is a Unit Test on Monday, June 4.
  • Art- The Photography Portfolio is due Thursday.
  • Writing- Persuasive Letters are now overdue.
  • Tomorrow afternoon, the Grade 6-8 students will be having a special movie afternoon.  I forgot to mention this to the kids today, but they are welcome to bring a treat for the movie if they like.
  • We are going swimming on Wednesday from 2-3pm.
  • Today I sent home notes about two outdoor swimming dates- June 21 and June 25 at Wascana Pool.  Earlier in the year, I undercharged students for our bus trip to Seussical.  Would you kindly send an additional $0.75 along with the $3 for swimming to help cover costs?  Thanks so much- sorry about that!

As always, send any questions my way!  Have a great week…I’m hoping for sunshine and tennis!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

New Date for Field Trip

Apologies for the changes in schedule, but our field trip to Crooked Valley will be on JUNE 14.  Thanks!!

Taking Flight

We have been learning about the forces of flight in Science: lift, drag, thrust and weight.  Here are some shots of our attempts at flying with wings...well, mostly just experimenting with the effects of drag! :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Field Trip Postponed...

Hi, everyone.  Our Outdoor Ed. leader called and notified me that it is too muddy at the field trip site so we will not be going today.  We will try to reschedule the trip for another day!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Hi, everyone.  Here is a quick update for the week:

Math- We are having a small mid-unit quiz on Lessons 1-4 on THURSDAY.  So far we have learned about six different types of triangles, how to draw triangles, as well as different polygons.

Reading- Book Club Meeting #3 is on Friday, and we are planning to also present our Book Club Talk Shows on Friday.

Art- Just a reminder to bring cameras, if available, on Thursday.

Field Trip to Crooked Valley- Please send $4.50 for the cost of the bus.  This trip is next Thursday, May 3.  I am still looking for a couple parent helpers. 

Grade 6 Badminton Tournament- We are going to have a fun afterschool tournament, just for Grade 6 students, on Tuesday, May 1.  I will send a note home today asking permission for students to stick around after school on that day. 

 Swimming- This Friday from 2-3pm!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Fun

What a fun week we enjoyed in Grade 6!  Here are some photos from our Smartie Party, featuring the Amazing Egg Hunt and a trip to DQ.  Mrs. Hognestad also helped us create beautiful Ukrainian Easter Eggs!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Hi, everyone!  Just a quick update for you this week:
  • Today we completed Unit 5 in Math.  The class rocked the Math Test!!! The class average was 91%.  Bravo!  (By the way, this is top secret information and means we will add a smartie to our jar…the final one before our second Mini-Smartie Party!! Details on that coming soon!)
  • Tomorrow morning we will have our first Book Club Meetings.  Students need to be prepared with their finished reading, journal entry, role sheet and word work.
  • Our Racism projects are due next Wednesday, April 4.
  • We are a lucky class!  Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Colin and Renee Perkowitsch, our class will be attending “Seussical” on Wednesday, April 4.  It is a production by Do It With Class.  Bailey Perkowitsch and Mayson Sonntag, both Grade 6 students, will be performing!  Students need to bring $1.50 for the bus.  We will also be eating an early lunch on that day because we need to leave the school by 11:45am.  All students should bring a lunch on that day.   We are really looking forward to this event!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Latest from Grade 6!

I hope you are enjoying the signs of spring!  I can’t wait to get back out on those tennis courts!  Here’s an update on the latest in Grade 6:

Progress Reports- Please sign and return the folders.  Also, please return the blue conference slip confirming your conference time.  I look forward to connecting with you and your son and daughter on Friday.

     Math- We are finishing up our Unit on Fractions, Decimals, and Percent.  I have attached Extra Practice sheets to this email- feel free to use them as you like.  We will work on finishing this Unit by the end of the week, and plan to have our Unit Test next Tuesday, March 27.

      Science- We are still studying Electricity.  In support of our learning, Thursday has been declared “ONE DAY UNPLUGGED”.  At school, we will be doing our best to NOT use electricity.  This will require some flexibility and creative use of space, but I think it will be a very good learning experience.  As long as the weather is okay, we will do some of our learning outside.  I would like students to bring a “sit-upon” so that if it is not too wet, we can sit on the ground.  There is an “outdoor classroom” area on the playground with benches, so that will be our first option!  Students will complete a log book throughout the day and the night, recording their experiences and thoughts about the simulation.  I have challenged students (and myself!!) to extend the experiment as much as possible at home.   Even having kids “unplug” their electronic games, gadgets and the television for a day would be useful for this simulation. 

      Lunchroom- I have spoken with both Grade 6 classes about lunchroom procedures and rules.  “Regular” lunchroom students must inform the lunchroom supervisor (in our room’s case, that’s me) about any alternate lunch plans and receive permission from parents for any changes.  “Casual” students have been reminded that they need to communicate and receive permission from parents before carrying out alternate lunch plans, such as walks to Dairy Queen.  Thanks for helping us make sure everyone is safe during our lunch hour.

Thanks, everyone!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A couple pics...

Here is a pic of just a handful of the Book Extravaganza Projects earlier this year!  As you can see, The Hunger Games came out as a popular selection!

We have been continuing to explore circuits in Science!  Here we are working with wires, batteries, switches and light bulbs!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Math Help

Looking for some help with fractions?  Check out this site, which is directly related to our learning!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Grade 6 Lights Up!

On Friday, we had an awesome learning experience!  Students learned how to wire a lamp!  My Dad, Mr. McMillan, came to lead us through the exercise, and Mr. Wilkes stopped by to help out, too.

The Latest in Grade 6

Welcome to a new week!  Just a few things to update you on today from the Grade 6 world..

-I will be checking in with kids about their rough drafts for their speeches today.  The final draft is due Friday.  I have told the class that if they have a major time issue with getting the final draft done by this date, to come and speak with me early this week.
-We are having a Science quiz on Friday. Students are welcome to take home textbooks to study but please ensure that they return them to school as they are costly.  There are about 20 terms to study in preparation for this quiz.
-We rocked the Unit 4 Math Test!  The class average was 89%.  Students should have their tests signed.  I have also included an overall summary of their current mark in Math.
-We are going on our second cross-country skiing trip on Wednesday morning.  Please send $3 for the bus (this covers our trip last Monday). 
-It would be great to have all of the Mission Ridge money in by Thursday if possible, as I am leaving for Hong Kong on Friday!
-Tomorrow is Red, White, and Purple Day, as well as the Valentine’s Day dance.  Should be fun!