Thursday, January 31, 2013

February is Typing Month!

We will be working on our typing skills for our Bellwork in February.  Go to this link to use your password to log-in to Typing Scout.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Our Karen Visitors

This morning we met Pepe, Habak and Erica.  We learned about life in a refugee camp, and we learned about Pepe and Habak have adapted to life in Canada.  Erica works with Pepe and Habak at the Regina Open Door Society.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hosting Special Guests..

We have been so lucky to have some very special guests in Room 301 during the month of January!  Last week, we hosted Freeman, Lee, Kat and Andrea.  They were able to help us better understand what it is like immigrate to Canada.  Each told unique stories and were lots of fun to get to know.  The students are getting lots of practice with their interviewing skills!  Here are some photos:

Mission Ridge Crew

A delayed photo of a crew of Grade 6'ers on our awesome day at Mission Ridge!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Push/Pull Factors

Read at least three stories from this website, or this one.  Write down their reasons for immigrating to Canada, and label the reasons as being "push" or "pull" factors.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Winter Smartie Party

Check out this link to see a slideshow of our Winter Smartie Party!! Wooop!
And here are a couple collages, too!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Year in Review Glog

Time for a little gloggin'!
After you have written your rough draft for your "Year in Review", go to Glogster to sign up for your account. Enter my teacher code: 2AF93B
Glog away!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Welcome to 2013!

Welcome back and Happy New Year! We are given a fresh start every day, but there is something refreshing about the clean slate of  New Year.  The potential of what could be excites me, especially in our classroom! A couple notes to get us started in January:

  • January is Handwriting Month!  Students will be developing their handwriting skills each day during Bellwork.  They will also be expected to handwrite for the majority of their daily work. February will be Typing Month!
  • In Math, we are working on multiplying and dividing with decimals.  Extra practice with these fundamental skills is encouraged.  Check out my links for online practice sites, or have your child complete the Extra Practice Sheets.
  • We are beginning a new unit in Science.  We will be exploring electricity!  If you have background knowledge in this area, I would love to have an expert or two make an appearance!  We will be working with circuits and wiring lamps as a part of our exploration. 
  • In Language Arts, we are kicking off the year with an inquiry project focused on the question, "What is it like to be a newcomer to Canada?"  Later on, we will tie Language Arts together with Science, reading the book, "City of Ember" by Jeanne duPrau. I am really looking forward both of these studies!
That's all for today!  PS: Pics of our Smartie Party coming soon!